Mobile Vet in Stratford

Dr. Leslie Hodge and Dr. Leesa Gillies co-own Romeo Pet Hospital and are honoured to provide this important mobile service to compliment the exemplary pet care services already available at the clinic.

The inspiration for Bailey’s Bridge is a direct result of the care they have provided for each other when it was time to say a gentle goodbye to their own beloved pets on their peaceful journey across the rainbow bridge.

Our team has years of experience and specialized training in hospice, palliative care, and rehabilitation services. Our aim is to provide an integrative team approach to help create the most memorable and gentle final experience for your loved ones.
In-Home Veterinary Care
- Hospice & Palliative Care
- Pain Management for Senior & Geriatric Pets
- Pet Euthansia Services
- Pet Memorials
- Pet Cremation Services
- Servicing Stratford, Mitchell & Shakespeare Areas

Geriatric & End of Life Mobile Vet Services
Making the decision to say goodbye to a beloved pet is often the hardest step. We will be there to help with all the difficult decisions you will face in preparing for their inevitable passing, while focusing our attention on their quality of life. We offer a range of compassionate end of life care options for your pet, all available in the comfort of your home.
Until one has loved an animal, a part of one’s soul remains unawakened.
Anatole France